This Emergency First Aid e-learning course (EFAW) is licensed by Highfield ABC.
This interactive short course comprises:
- Firstly, understanding the role and responsibilities of a First-Aider
- Then, assessing an incident
- Managing an unresponsive casualty
- Followed by recognising and assisting a choking casualty
- And managing a casualty with external bleeding and shock
- And then managing a casualty with a minor injury
Essentially, this content also covers the knowledge for practical elements such as CPR (Cardio pulmonary resuscitation) so is very useful for everyone to know.
Significantly, this course can be completed in 3 - 4 hours and can therefore replace 3 hours of the one day EFAW qualification if you want it to. You need only then successfully attend and complete the practical elements of a one day Emergency First Aid At Work (EFAW) course to get the full EFAW qualification.