Our E-learning First Aid courses are informative and valuable courses to complete.


Our e-learning First Aid training courses give you essential practical information on what to do in a First Aid emergency.

You can use this learning as part of a blended learning programme.  In other words, you can study this part of the course at your pace at home or work and, when you are ready, complete the practical part of the course with us on one of our training sessions.

All of the First Aid E-Learning courses can be accessed from a PC, Laptop, Tablet or Iphone.

These courses are all assessed using multiple choice questions.

Successful completion of each course gives you a certificate of achievement which can be used to confirm your learning if you want to go on to complete the relevant full First Aid qualification.

It is then your choice whether you complete a shortened full qualification or attend the whole course to reinforce your knowledge!

Have a look at the options below for more information

E-Learning Emergency First Aid at Work

This Emergency First Aid e-learning course (EFAW) is licensed by Highfield ABC.

This interactive short course comprises:
- Firstly, understanding the role and responsibilities of a First-Aider
- Then, assessing an incident
- Managing an unresponsive casualty
- Followed by recognising and assisting a choking casualty
- And managing a casualty with external bleeding and shock
- And then managing a casualty with a minor injury

Essentially, this content also covers the knowledge for practical elements such as CPR (Cardio pulmonary resuscitation) so is very useful for everyone to know.

Significantly, this course can be completed in 3 - 4 hours and can therefore replace 3 hours of the one day EFAW qualification if you want it to. You need only then successfully attend and complete the practical elements of a one day Emergency First Aid At Work (EFAW) course to get the full EFAW qualification.

If you are looking for information on our full Emergency First Aid at Work course, please click HERE to go to the relevant page.

E-Learning First Aid at Work

This short interactive course can, if you want it to, replace day 1 of the three day First Aid At Work course (FAAW). It can of course be a very useful update or refresher session as well.

The course covers

- Firstly, understanding the role and responsibilities of a first-aider
- Then assessing an incident
- Followed by managing an unresponsive casualty
- Recognising and assisting a choking casualty
- Managing a casualty – external bleeding and shock
- Managing a casualty – minor injury
- Conducting a secondary survey
- Additionally, administering first aid to a casualty with bone injuries
- Followed by giving first aid to a casualty with head and spinal injuries
- Administering first aid to a casualty with suspected chest injuries
- Also, administering first aid to a casualty with burns or eye injuries
- Then responding to a casualty with sudden poisoning or anaphylaxis
- And finally, administering first aid to a casualty with a major illness

As well as giving you this essential knowledge, It also covers practical elements of the FAAW course such as CPR (Cardio pulmonary resuscitation) so if very useful for everyone to know.

Completion of this e-learning First Aid course allows you to attend and successfully complete just days 2 and 3 of the 3 day FAAW course to achieve the full FAAW qualification.

So, this short course is a valuable one enabling you to gain knowledge and also an essential part of the qualification to be a First Aider at Work

If you are looking for information on our full First Aid at Work course, please click HERE to go to the relevant page

E-learning Paediatric First Aid

This short interactive First Aid E-Learning course can be used as part of blended learning towards the Paediatric First Aid qualification.

This course can be completed in 6 to 8 hours in the comfort of your home or workplace. Successful completion of the course gives you a certificate of achievement which you can then be used to replace 6 hours of the 12 hour Paediatric First aid course.

Consequently, you need only successfully complete the practical elements of this course and confirm your knowledge and understanding to obtain your paediatric First Aid qualification.

The course consists of:
- Firstly, roles and responsibilities of a paediatric First-Aider
- Then assessing an emergency situation
- Providing first aid to an infant or child who is unresponsive, choking or has external bleeding
- Followed by providing first aid to an infant or a child with a suspected bone fracture or dislocation; head, neck or back injury
- Administering First Aid to an infant or a child with a condition that affects the ears, eyes and nose;
- Providing First aid to a child or infant with scalds;
- Then managing First Aid for an acute medical condition or sudden illness;
- Providing First Aid for a minor injury or shock
- Giving First Aid to a an infant or a child experiencing the effects of extreme heat or cold
- Responding to an infant or child who has sustained an electric shock or been poisoned
- And finally providing First aid to an infant or child with anaphylaxis

So, this course is invaluable to those working with infants or children in their care. It is an alternative step towards gaining a necessary qualification for some workers. It is also undoubtedly a useful course for parents and carers who want to improve their knowledge and confidence should a First Aid incident occur to their children.

If you are looking for information on our full Paediatric courses please click HERE to go to the relevant page

These E-Learning options give you the choice to study and gain essential knowledge at your own pace.

You can use this knowledge to refresh and update your skills or, to learn new ones.

Therefore, you if you want, use this knowledge to give you a head start when you attend a practical training session.

You can then either complete the full practical course and really reinforce your knowledge or, successfully complete a shortened practical course and still get your qualification.

Contact us at Conflict Resolution Limited for more information and to book your course.

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