Managing workplace Conflict within Local Authorities and the Housing Sector


Staff working in local authorities managing workplace conflict and challenging behaviour.  So too do staff in the housing sector, in fact conflict within local authorities and Housing sector organisations is much more an everyday occurrence than some might think

Local Authority and Housing professionals face unique challenges from service users, their families and others.

Front facing staff particularly are likely to have to manage situations with upset, emotional, confused, and angry service users. The reasons for this are many but first and foremost obviously include managing unrealistic expectations. Then there are the issues that arise through enforcement of tenancy agreements and regulations around houses of multiple occupancy. Some colleagues spend time trying to resolve neighbour, landlord and community issues, Housing sector conflict through rent arrears, financial issues etc.

Local Authority staff additionally face particular challenges in carrying out day to day functions. There are many examples including; recycling, licensing, planning, planning enforcement, council tax revenue and benefits. These are just some myriad occasions where workplace conflict is common.

Furthermore, many colleagues work with service users and others who are vulnerable, are living with substance and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, dementia or learning disabilities.

Many staff are community based and lone workers. They experience added issues with limited access to immediate support should they need it.


We tailor our training solutions to meet your needs

Our Maybo licensed conflict awareness and conflict management training solutions for the Local Authority and Housing sector, individually tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Therefore, each course is unique.

We also recognise that delegates introduce additional issues they’re concerned about.

So, during our courses, we explore solutions to these issues as well, where relevant.

Our trainers are very adept, competent and experienced to manage the challenges faced by staff.

Out trainers create an ‘all inclusive’ environment using practical, scenario based, interactive training sessions.

This is because, we have found this to be the ideal way of creating a positive learning experience for everyone.

Most importantly though, this approach bestows confidence and, empowers staff to take their learning back to the workplace


We individually tailor our training solutions to the needs of the Local Authority or Housing Sector organisation and staff needs.  However; our training solutions typically include:

Recognising conflict risks and understanding responsibilities

A good understanding of human behaviour

Understanding the causes of escalation and what to do about them

Using effective communication strategies

Introducing positive approaches and behaviours

Adopting deescalation strategies

Developing assertiveness and self awareness

Managing challenging and disruptive behaviour

Post incident considerations, personal and organisational learning

We offer a variety of training solutions and also, elective modules. Elements include, local authority conflict awareness, and conflict management, lone working, personal safety training solutions. Additionally we offer similar but uniquely tailored training solutions to the housing sector. So, you choose the course, and the elements that suit your needs.

The blended learning training option is very popular with employers, because this combines a short elearning course, with a shortened practical classroom workshop in conflict management and personal safety. This therefore reduces staff abstraction from the workplace and is consequently more easily managed by some clients. Likewise, if staff are to be trained in physical skills, such as assault avoidance and disengagement or guiding skills this can be accommodated using blended learning quite easily.

Click on the link below to our page on physical interventions, or contact us for more information on this or our Local Authority and Housing Sector conflict management and conflict awareness training solutions.  Alternatively, continue browsing via our home or training options pages

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