Local Authority and Housing professionals face unique challenges from service users, their families and others.
Front facing staff particularly are likely to have to manage situations with upset, emotional, confused, and angry service users. The reasons for this are many but first and foremost obviously include managing unrealistic expectations. Then there are the issues that arise through enforcement of tenancy agreements and regulations around houses of multiple occupancy. Some colleagues spend time trying to resolve neighbour, landlord and community issues, Housing sector conflict through rent arrears, financial issues etc.
Local Authority staff additionally face particular challenges in carrying out day to day functions. There are many examples including; recycling, licensing, planning, planning enforcement, council tax revenue and benefits. These are just some myriad occasions where workplace conflict is common.
Furthermore, many colleagues work with service users and others who are vulnerable, are living with substance and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, dementia or learning disabilities.
Many staff are community based and lone workers. They experience added issues with limited access to immediate support should they need it.