Retail staff and those working in the Leisure and Hospitality sector unfortunately face workplace conflict on far too many occasions. Staff in these industries face unique challenges. Particularly dealing with situations involving upset, emotional, confused, and angry service users.
The reasons for this are numerous. First and foremost, peoples' unrealistic expectations. Then, there customers whose belief is that they aren't receiving a good service, or goods fit for buying.
Some employees expect to refuse service, manage anti social behaviour or make arrests. Then the complaints, some genuine and others not.
The vulnerability and unpredictability of some service users. This through, mental health concerns, the influence of alcohol, or other substances or some other reason.
Many employees live within the local community. This is likely to add to their vulnerability. Whether travelling to and from work, locking up, or unlocking premises, not to mention knowing or, being known by people they need to deal with at work.
All in all, staff deal with a wide variety of challenges and, little or no access to immediate support should they require it all too often. We can help.