Delivering training solutions so that you, your employees and others can manage retail conflict, and leisure sector conflict effectively


We design and deliver effective training solutions to enable you to manage retail workplace conflict and conflict management within the leisure industry confidently and professionally.

We recognise that some staff within these sectors manage workplace conflict and challenging behaviour regularly.  Additionally, some staff expect to detain people intent on carrying out criminal activity.

These employees need training in managing conflict within the workplace.  They may also need essential training in physical interventions.

The workplace conflict issues that staff are likely to face include


Frustration, anger, aggression and potentially violence depending on what the service user or, the staff member is attempting to achieve.

Retail staff and those working in the Leisure and Hospitality sector unfortunately face workplace conflict on far too many occasions. Staff in these industries face unique challenges. Particularly dealing with situations involving upset, emotional, confused, and angry service users.

The reasons for this are numerous. First and foremost, peoples' unrealistic expectations. Then, there customers whose belief is that they aren't receiving a good service, or goods fit for buying.

Some employees expect to refuse service, manage anti social behaviour or make arrests. Then the complaints, some genuine and others not.

The vulnerability and unpredictability of some service users. This through, mental health concerns, the influence of alcohol, or other substances or some other reason.

Many employees live within the local community. This is likely to add to their vulnerability. Whether travelling to and from work, locking up, or unlocking premises, not to mention knowing or, being known by people they need to deal with at work.

All in all, staff deal with a wide variety of challenges and, little or no access to immediate support should they require it all too often. We can help.

We tailor training solutions to meet your needs

Our Maybo licensed conflict awareness and conflict management training solutions for the retail sector and the leisure sector, individually tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Therefore, each course is unique.

We also recognise that delegates introduce additional issues they’re concerned about.

So, during our courses, we explore solutions to these issues as well, where relevant.

Our trainers are very adept, competent and experienced to manage the challenges faced by staff.

The trainers create an ‘all inclusive’ environment using practical, scenario based, interactive training sessions.

This is because, we have found this to be the ideal way of creating a positive learning experience for everyone.

Most importantly though, this approach bestows confidence and, empowers staff to take their learning back to the workplace

 These training solutions are individually tailored to need.  Because of this, each course varies.  However; they typically include:


Recognising conflict risks and understanding responsibilities

A good understanding of human behaviour

Understanding the causes of escalation and what to do about them

Using effective communication strategies

Introducing positive approaches and behaviours

Adopting deescalation strategies

Developing assertiveness and self awareness

Managing challenging and disruptive behaviour

Post incident considerations, personal and organisational learning


Some employees need training in physical interventions for when they respond to retail workplace conflict or, when required to engage in conflict management within the leisure industry

No-one should want to use physical interventions to detain anyone or restrict their freedom of movement. In fact, from a moral and ethical standpoint, physical interventions must be applied only for that person's, or some other person's safety and security. It is accepted however; that this type of intervention is absolutely essential on occasion. Recognising this, our physical interventions comprise:

Effective non aggressive physical interventions

Low level guiding skills, designed to keep emotional arousal at a low level

Safer holding and escorting skills

Click on the link to our page on physical interventions or contact us if you wish to discuss this, or our Retail, Hospitality and Leisure sector training courses.  Alternatively, continue browsing via our home or training page.

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